Friday, June 18, 2004

I dreamt last night that Caymen died. And I didn't get to go to his funeral or even see him before he was buried. I can't remember now what it was he was supposed to have died from. The dream is fading. It might have been hitting his head while swimming. And even though I was hysterical in my dream, I don't have that creepy feeling that deams can sometimes leave you with right now. It's like I knew I was dreaming. Isn't that called a lucid dream?

Anyway... pretty freaky. I know that dreaming someone dies doesn't necessarily mean they will die. I had heard that dreaming of death can actually mean someone will get pregnant. Go figure. Just as long as I'm not the one getting pregnant.

Friday, June 11, 2004

I've mentioned before that I like to play Everquest, a silly little online RPG where I get to play a dark elf and cast spells and such.

I also read and post on different EQ message boards. On one of them, I posted a link to my pic. One of the regulars followed the link back to my site and decided to read this silly little thing I call a blog. He was reduced to tears when he realized I hadn't mentioned him.

So, Smasheroo, here's your mention!

Here we are, if you're so inclined to look

In other news, nothing else has changed. I don't think I'll be doing that second job after all, because I can't ever get in touch with the guy who originally offered it to me. He must not need help too badly.

Tank is still doing his second job thing. He's supposed to be going for an interview for some kind of radio show pretty soon. It would be really nice if he could get that, then he could go back to just one job like a normal person. I miss having him around. He's either gone or sleeping all the time.

And my weight loss is coming along nicely. Not too fast, not too slow... losing slowly and steadily. Feeling healthier too, which is always nice once you start getting older. :)

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

I might be getting a second job now too, hehe.

There's a congressman for this area who has his own place where he designs logos and things for sports, like t-shirts and stuff. He runs ads in our paper, and he told his ad rep that the girl who was doing his graphic work quit on him, and did she know anyone who might be able to help him out a bit? I am going to his place of business today, and maybe we can arrange someting for me to work part time for him in the evenings. We might actually have some real money now.

We had our first scare with Noah over the weekend. We were at Tank's mom's, and Noah fell off a chair headfirst onto her hardwood floors and he blacked out for a few seconds. We debated taking him to the hospital, but after the initial scare, he seemed to be ok, so we went on home. He was fine, of course... but it was scary at the time.