Friday, September 16, 2005

Like the man said, "It's always something."

Tank's got an SUV. It guzzles way too much gas. We had been thinking of getting something else when the place that he bought it from closed down and sold all the accounts to a company in California. Once the dust settled, they contacted Tank with their address and also told him that they had re-evaluated his truck and decided it was worth $90 more a month. Well, I'm sorry, but we're not paying $290 a month for that thing. It's a decent truck and all, but it's sure not worth that, especially with gas the way it is now (down to $2.69 in a few places now, but still too high).

Tank's dad said not to worry about it, he'd help Tank get a new truck (neither Tank nor I have wonderful credit). Don pointed Tank to the car lot he needed to go to, told him to pick something out on Tuesday and on Wednesday, they'd go back and sign every thing. Wednesday rolls around, no Don. And this is the second time he's told Tank he'd help him with a car and when signing time comes around, he goes into hiding.

Thursday Tank tried to get in touch with him again, and still no dice. I'm pretty pissed at him. I even tried to call him, but I only got his wife, who claims that she knows nothing about this. Whatever.

Meanwhile, Tank hadn't made the payment on the truck, since his dad said not to worry about it. So, he calls the people in Cali to try and explain things and see if they'll work with us to get the payments back on time. Nope, can't do it, sorry, truck's already flagged for pick-up. We don't know when though.

I called my parents. They've had enough to deal with with Marla and all, but I just wanted to keep them in the loop. They said they'd help if we get to the point where we just can't manage this on our own, but we should keep trying to get Tank's dad to own up.

Also, Don said he had a trailer we could use to move. But I'm pretty sure that's out now. Now we'll be renting a Uhaul.

It's funny how in the space of a day or two, things can go so bad. I thought (once again, damn me for thinking) that maybe we'd be ok. No real moving expenses... new car with lower payments... I'll get used to the house... And the reality is: no car, truck possibly going away, and paying a fortune to rent a truck.



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