Monday, December 29, 2003

And so begins the quest to finally lose some weight.

Yee ha.

I used to be so good. I ate right, excericised to the point of being fanatical, and I looked and felt pretty good. Then I got in a nice, happy relationship, had a baby, and all that went right down the tubes, hehe. Well, no more (hopefully). Today at work, I went for a pretty decent walk. Not too long, since I'm horribly out of shape, but it was enough to break a small sweat and get the blood flowing. I'm going to try and do this at least 3 days a week to start, then after a while, go up to 5 days a week. It's easier for me to do this on my lunch break at work then to try and do it at home. Noah just wants to "help" me. Or else he thinks I'm playing. But once the weather gets a bit warmer and there's more daylight at night, I'll start walking some after work, too.

Wish me luck, folks. I'm tired of still looking pregnant.

Saturday, December 20, 2003

I'm tired. I was up too late last night playing Everquest. You'd think I'd learn by now... kinda wasn't my fault though, we had a bunch of deaths and then our server crashed.... blah, like any of you even know what I'm talking about, lol.

Christmas is 5 days away. I can't believe it. Time just flies by. (And doesn't everyone say the same thing about Chirstmas every year?)

I think we're ready. Still have a couple of small things to buy, but that will do it. We both have to work Christmas Eve, but we should be getting off early. Then we have to make the rounds here with Tank's family before we drive up to Nashville, where we're spending the night with my family.

We had our first decent snow yesterday. There's about an inch, maybe two out there now (I can't see, it's still dark outside, hehe). I was hoping for a blizzard. Oh well, the winter is young. =)

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Seems like I've just been posting links and not really saying much lately. Guess it's because there's just not much going on.

Everyone is talking about the flu epidemic. We've all been sick around here, but it seems to be your garden variety cold, not the flu. I'm pretty much over it, Noah's had it for the last 3 days and now Tank got it last night. I was going to take Noah to the doctor today, but he seemed much better this moring (at 5:30 am, ugh) and even though he's back in bed now (7:40), his fever is gone and I think he's just tired. Going to get out later and get him some more Motrin, and I think that will do fine for him. Besides, I hate doctors and I know he won't like going either.

They're talking about a little snow this weekend. I want a lot of snow.

You know, like that.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Monday, December 08, 2003 - Your Miami Everything Guide

Can't think of that perfect gift? Look here!

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Mug shots - - Biggest Directory of Mug shots on the internet

Here's a site to browse if you're just looking to waste some time. Who knows, you might even see someone you know. :)

Tuesday, December 02, 2003