Tuesday, October 28, 2003

This just in:

The Second Annual Rock, Paper, Scissors Championship in Canda is over!

And I missed it again!!

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Play With The Kitty

Hm, that didn't work the first time... trying again

Play with the kitty. :)
A while back, there was a commercial that said that bananas were quite possibly, the world's most perfect food. They were wrong. It's spaghetti.


Friday, October 24, 2003

Man, I'm bored. Wasn't really in the mood to play EQ tonight... goofed off with the fractal maker and Bryce for a while; that got old. Been testing out some different radio stations on Music Match; pretty cool set up they've got. Now I'm reading websites... boring. It's 9:30, just about too late to really get on EQ now (of course I'm kind of in the mood to play now, just like a woman).

I could work on my website, or Darren's, but I ran out of creative juices while I was playing earlier. Bah. Um... I could eat, hehe.

I'm pathetic.
Nothing like mac and cheese for dinner.... when you have kids, you learn to eat what they will eat. And since that's about all Noah will eat these days, it's all we had for dinner. =
Thank god it's Friday. Don't get me wrong, I really like my job. But as I stated earlier, I could just use a break. A real break. Like, GO SOMEWHERE. Maybe next summer...

I really don't have much more to say. My mind is a blank.

(and that's different from other days how?)

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Till Death Do Us Part - Why spouses get the final say in coma cases. By Dahlia�Lithwick

This article expresses my views on the right-to-death issue fairly well. A good read.
Rubik's Cube Art

Here's a nice 80's flashback...

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Been playing around with some of my graphics programs. Made some cool and not so cool stuff. Now it's time to add it to my site.

I'm still disgusted by Gov. Bush and his decision. "Oh, let's not pull the plug... that would be MURDER!!" My god, the woman isn't alive. He needs to grow a pair and let her die. And anyway, why do her parents even have a say in this? I thought that once you got married, your spouse had all say in matters such as these. If not, it kind of defeats one of the reasons for getting married, does it not?

Just like a damn Bush...

Monday, October 20, 2003

I need a vacation.

Not just a long weekend, but a whole week off. I have vacation time at work, but I've already used some of it. I think I have 3 days left. I've had to use a couple as sick days.

Next week (Halloween) I'm taking that Friday off. Where I work, we get our birthday as a paid holiday and you have up to 90 days after your birthday to take a day off. So I'm going to stay home that day.

I guess I could take my remaining 3 days and take some time off, but it might have to be after the holidays. We're going to be pretty busy until then. And waiting til then might be for the best. I'm sure I'll really need some time off come January.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

I was talking with one of the women I work with about this unnatural practice of keeping people alive indefinitely with machines.... it makes me sick. I just now read that the woman in FL who was supposed to be taken off her feeding tube today had been on one for 13 years. I can't imagine "living" like that. Those people who supposedly love her kept her on machines all that time, just because they are too selfish to let her go gracefully.

Living like that is not living. Her family should have to suffer what she's been through, since they were the ones who wanted to keep her around, no matter how they had to do it.

Makes me want to write up a living will right now, and make sure everyone knows that I do not want to be recessutated (sp).

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

BBspot - Which OS are you?

Here's a nice waste of time...

Monday, October 13, 2003

Another Monday and I'm beat. Noah woke up at 4. I tried to get him back to sleep, thought that I had, and just as I was dozing back off around 5, he started screaming. He had thrown up. Yay. So... I'm up for the day and very tired and grumpy.

And our stove stopped working yesterday. I swear, it's always something...

Hm, maybe I'll come back when I'm in a better mood. =)

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Just thought I'd check in. Noah is in the tub, Tank is still asleep, and I'm drinking coffee with the Today show.

Our anniversary and my birthday came and went without much fanfair. Ok, NO fanfair. Bah, we're broke and old, we don't do much. :)

Tuesday was fun though. A couple of weeks ago I had called the electric company and told them I'd be out to pay the balance in full, finally get it caught up, on the 8th. So, they turned the electricity off on the 7th. /sigh. "Sorry, we don't have any record of you calling..." Yeah right, anyway... Camping in your own house is always fun.

Friday, October 03, 2003

Here it is folks, my long awaited Blog.


Ok, well, *I* was waiting for it...

Anyway, this will be a sporadically updated thing, because I'm never good at sticking to anything.

We'll start with today. This has been hell week at work. Linda was on vacation, we're training a new girl to be paginator, a girl who has NO graphic, media, or related experience... and I had tons to do. I was so looking forward to today, but no... I have to go back in tomorrow. Hopefully not for long, but still. It's been such a long week, I just wanted to veg out all weekend. Tomorrow is our anniversary and Sunday is my birthday. Ugh. But I'll say this: I'm not doing a damn thing Sunday. They'll have to do without me. :)