Thursday, January 22, 2004

I found an old blog of mine from Jan. of last year. Wow. I sure wasn't very happy then. Just a few entries, here they are....

[ Fri Jan 24, 04:03:14 PM | Melanie Johnson | edit ]
I've been scanning some web sites, some women's sites like ivillage and and I realize, I need to do more for me. And for my home. It might be a dumpy, drafty condo, but it's my condo.... it's our condo.... it should not just be a place to keep our clothes and a place to sleep. And I don't need a lot of money to do it. I just need to stop being so lazy. I didn't have to be told that if I keep the place nice, it would make me feel better, both physically and mentally. I know this. But I don't do it. Why is that? I mean, why be so lazy?

I say this all the time, but I've really got to start meaning it. I need to get things together, start acting my age and all that other jazz. Make some changes in my life. Starting now.
[ Fri Jan 24, 10:30:51 AM | Melanie Johnson | edit ]
We made it in to work today. Still very cold out there, and snow on the ground, but it's not quite as bad.

Tank is going to East Tenn. this weekend, and I'll have Caymen. Still no car, so I'll just be sitting around the house. Going to try and get motivated some to do some cleaning, but I know once I cut a path through the living room, that'll do it for me, lol. Even though I'll really try to do better. (I always say that.)

Found a group on Yahoo that shares recipes for making your own bath oils, candles, things like that. I've always liked doing stuff like that, just lately I've not been too creative. I'd like to give this a shot. Maybe even sell it, if I can make it good enough. Who knows.

I tried to get this to upload to my webpage, web server at least, but it didn't work. :( Guess I'll give it another shot later. Right now I might just link to it from my site.
[ Thu Jan 23, 06:36:24 AM | Melanie Johnson | edit ]
Another snow day. Not sure if we're going in to work. Since we don't have a car, it's going to depend on whether or not someone wants to come get us. I don't think it's as bad out there as it was last week, but it's COLD and I don't want to get Noah out in it. It's 7 degrees. =/

I just want to stay home and play Everquest, hehe.
[ Wed Jan 22, 04:00:00 PM | Melanie Johnson | edit ]
Well, here we go. I'm hoping that if I start writing some of my thoughts down, it will help me get a bit more organized. I used to do this before, and it really helps my peace of mind. Not to mention, I just need to get off my butt and get my life together.

I'm 36 years old, married with 2 children (one from a previous relationship) and my life is screwed. No money, crappy car that doesn't run ATM, no home phone, hubby and I share a cell phone, I'm lucky if I have clean laundry because god forbid I leave Everquest alone long enough to wash close, and so on and so on...

This started out happy, didn't it? /ugh

I'm just sleepy right now. I woke up around 4:30 and because my back was hurting, I couldn't go back to sleep. So I got up around 5:30. It's now 10 til 4 in the afternoon, this boring work day is almost over and then I can go home and maybe get some decent sleep tonight.

I'm bitching about my life now, and in some ways it's good because maybe it will motivate me to do something. But I think back to this time last year.... pregnant, not working (neither of us were working), not sure where we'd get food, wondering when and if they'd kick us out of our house, turn off the utilities.... it was a mess. So yes, we have slowly been pulling ourselves together. The problem with both of us is, we can both be childish and unmotivated. Not a good combination for both parties in a marriage. So I think I will make an effort to be the "grown-up" now and try to start getting us out of this mess.

First thing... get the car fixed.

I posted this so I can remember it. I'm going to delete that other blog, and I didn't want this to get lost. I want to remember how it used to be, so I can appreciate what I have now.


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