Monday, March 21, 2005

We normally get up at 5 a.m. But today Tank wanted to be at work earlier, so we got up at 4:30. And I don't think I got to sleep before 12 last night. It's 10 til 6 right now, and I feel like crap. Got a nice headache. I'm seriously thinking about taking Noah to the sitter and then coming back here and going back to bed. I know there's absolutely nothing to do at work today, and I'll just sit at my desk and fight sleep all day.

I really hope work picks up some soon. I hate going in, having enough work to keep me busy for maybe 2-3 hours, then trying to look busy for the rest of the day.

On another note, I hate my neighbors. We live in a duplex, and up until recently, we've been lucky in the neighbor department. But now there's a couple living there, and the guy is the very definition of redneck. He kind of scares me, to a degree. Not so bad that we're thinking of moving, or having him kicked out, but just enough to keep me on my toes.

Anyway, right now, I can hear their stereo/tv/whatever it is. And I've been able to hear it since I got up this morning, at 4:30. Either they were up drinking all night again, or they just passed out with the damn thing on.

Neighbors. :(


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